Куды девался бронзовый хлам ? "Наши" Ольденбурги помнится свалили все на Кавказ и т.д. , там это дело стало "их" нацодеждой.
Будем поискать по аналогии бронзовый хлам в колониях геопейских эксплататоров, чай банда одна Ольденбургская и работали по одним и тем же схемам.
Кого бы взять в оборот ? Лягушатников ? Макаронников ? Сосисочников ? Уже наврали с три короба и их усиленно прочистили традИСТЕРИКИ.
А может быть скромную Португалию ... сидит себе на краю света да гордится "дгевним" прошлым ... а вот что либо делать у них лень, сиеста понимаешь, а там и спакать пора.
Просто вбиваем наугад "helmet 19th century brass Portuguese Philippines" и ... оп-па на посыпался "бронзовый век" :
Moro (Philippine, Mindanao) armor, 19th century, thirty plates attached together with large butted mail rings, arms and lower mid-section with smaller size ringed mail, front main breastplates with applied engraved silver decorative panels in floral shapes and three quatrefoils with swirling terminals along join between two breastplates, two matching latches with protruding studs to bind breastplates together, Breastplates 11 x 11¾in. (28 x 30cm.); Overall size 25½ x 19½in. (64.8 x 49.5cm.)
Philippine helmet, from the Moro's of Mindanao, showing a European influence, possibly of the Spanish or Portuguese-style morion, with domed skull and pronounced comb and pierced scroll work, brass or bronze, 18th to 19th century.
Philippine helmet, from the Moro's of Mindanao, showing a European influence, possibly of the Spanish or Portuguese-style morion, with domed skull and pronounced comb and pierced scroll work, brass or bronze, 18th to 19th century.
ЭТО ДВА РАЗНЫХ ШЛЕМА , у одного сломан гребень. Как видим на месте ДЫРОЧКА для СВЕТИЛЬНИКА как у саперных шлемов 19 - 20 веков.
Sulawesi (Indonesia) helmet, late 18th-early 19th century, possibly earlier, brass, European morion form, which was introduced by the Portuguese in 1525. The skull formed in two halves and finely embossed with tapering panels which converge at the peak. The gracefully-curved brim of characteristic form with cusped termini, studded with large bosses and separately applied roped border, with triple plumeholder affixed to obverse, all joined with copper rivets. Height 23.2 cm.
Deurne helmet, 4th century
Moro helmet, Philippines, burgonet, 18th to 19th century, brass, Met Museum, Bequest of George C. Stone, 1935.
Moro (Philippine) brass mail and plate cuirass, 19th century, complete with bosses and metal furniture attached to the breastplate with two functional fasteners, back of the cuirass with scaled metal plates.
Moro warriors armor, mail and plate shirt, brass European inspired helmet.
Cuirass and helmet made of carabao horn plates, from the Philippines, in the Spanish style, Height = 45 cm; Width = 43 cm, National Museum of Anthropology, Spain.
Moro (Philippine) warriors brass helmet, European inspired.
Moro (Philippines) helmet in the form of a European comb-morion, greenish-brownish patinated bronze, with one plume holder.
Moro (Philippine) burgonet, Spanish style bronze helmet cast in one piece with hinged ear pieces, inside dimensions are 8x7 inches.
Sulawesi (Indonesia) helmet, late 18th-early 19th century, possibly earlier, brass, European morion form, which was introduced by the Portuguese in 1525. The skull formed in two halves and finely embossed with tapering panels which converge at the peak. The gracefully-curved brim of characteristic form with cusped termini, studded with large bosses and separately applied roped border, with triple plumeholder affixed to obverse, all joined with copper rivets. Height 23.2 cm.
В верху такой же шлем , но это другой, нет пимпочки сверху.
Moro (Philippine, Mindanao) mail and plate armor, 19th century, brass, carabao horn (Philippine buffalo), silver, protection for the upper part of the body, exclusive to the Moro as it was not found among any other Philippine groups. This armor known as kurab-a-kulang is made of a thin layer of carabao horn, joined with butted brass mail.The front part is closed with hooks.
Philippine (Moro), Indonesian armor.
Moro warrior from the Philipines, early1900, shown wearing locally made mail and plate armor.
Куды деваться ? Этих хлопцев успели щелкнуть туристы в начале 19 века и пришлось филиппинцам "осваивать" производство вооружения ... ну не португальцы же им их скинули с барского плеча как не нужный в Гейопе хлам.
То есть как бы вот эти граждане на каких то богом забытых островах :
Без всякой суеты на развитие сразу же на коленке скопировали ШТАПОВАННЫЕ из листовой бронзы-меди ГЕОМЕТРИЧЕСКИ СЛОЖНЫЕ изделия обычными раковинами, матюками и еще какой то матерью.