bskamalov (bskamalov) wrote,

Glassmaking 19th century ... И вдруг кто то начал узнавать свои бутылки в музеях древности

Glassmaking & Glassmakers

...Up until the mid-19th century, bottle and glass making followed virtually the same craft-based processes that had been used for many centuries.  Bottles made in the 1630s (or even the 1030s for that matter) were made in an virtually identical fashion to many bottles made in the 1830s, with some stylistic shape differences of course.

For example, the American made free-blown bottle pictured to the left which is commonly called a "New England chestnut" could have been - from purely a manufacturing technique perspective - blown in Europe several hundred years earlier or in ancient Rome two thousand years ago (bottle to the right ca. 100 A. D.).  The actual production date range for these bottles was 1780 to the 1820s ...
Although the shapes are different, both pictured bottles were produced with identical methods - free-blown, pontil scarred, with applied finishes.

и т.д. и т.п. Короче чел плотно занимающийся пузырями случайно забрел в музей и увидел там все родное.

Rolled or folded-in/out finish:  This method of producing a finish is a very early use of some type(s) of finish manipulation tools and is most common on early figured flasks, medicinal, and food bottles dating from or before the 1870s (Deiss 1981).  Once the blowpipe was removed from the bottle, the hot glass at the removal point was reheated as necessary then either rolled/folded into the bore of the bottle or folded out onto the extreme upper neck (probably with a "tool" no more complicated than an iron nail) to smooth out and form this simple finish (Jones & Sullivan 1989).  This folding certainly provided extra strength to the rim and upper bore of the bottle by "doubling" over the glass.

The picture to the left shows a crudely rolled or folded-in finish on an 1850s pontiled medicinal bottle (DR. D. JAYNE'S / HAIR TONIC - PHILADA (Philadelphia, PA.)).  The finish on the pictured bottle is crude enough so that parts of it appear to be rolled out, although when in hand, the glass is obviously inwards.  For an example of an rolled finish that was distinctly folded out, click HERE.  When rolled to the inside, this finish is also called an infolded lip (White 1978).

Based primarily on empirical observations, but also corroborated in Deiss (1981), this method of finishing was most commonly used in the U.S. between the 1830s and 1870, though it can date back to antiquity in Europe (Toulouse 1969b; Van den Bossche 2001).  This early flared finish can be difficult to discriminate from finishes produced by the methods covered below.  To the experienced eye it can be distinguished from later applied or tooled flared finishes by the thinness of the glass that forms the flared portion; much thinner glass than produced by these other methods.   Bottles with this finish are usually pontil scarred (empirical observations).

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