bskamalov (bskamalov) wrote,

Почему "средневековье" появляется именно в 1914-1918 годах ??? (2)

Итак артиллерия оказалась за 10 км. от передовой, солдаты зарылись в ПОДЗЕМНЫЕ "ГОРОДА" :

И совершенно случайно мы видим там изображение "СРЕДНЕВЕКОВЫХ" шлема и кирассы на фоне лопаты с киркой, по ходу этопамятник саперам что вырыли этот "город".

The Cities In the Trenches of World War I

The first underground city was not as large or elaborate as what I would experience the following day.

The first was reached by walking through a fairly remote farm field, then up a hillside through dense overgrowth, and then over a dirt mound that hides the entrance to this underground city from view. The entryway was wide, with perhaps 9 foot high ceilings. Inside was a virtual art museum on the walls. Deeper in this rock quarry, one could find lots of wire mesh beds used by the soldiers just lying on the ground. There were also cans, shoes, bottles and two large live trench mortar shells leaning against a wall as if 100 years ago was yesterday. On the way down the hill, in the brush, we encountered a live canon shell in the brush that was perhaps 2 1⁄2 feet long and quite wide.

It was here that I photographed a beautiful classical carving of a woman’s face. It could easily be in a museum. It can be seen at in the portfolio collection titled French Underground.

Nearby this carving were many others. One was satirical showing a German soldier with his helmet on bent over at the waist. A French Soldier was jabbing his bottom side with a bayonet while his head with helmet in place was buried inside the rear end of a duck.

French Underground

Что может сделать артиллерия таким подземным хоромам ??? Ну упал "чемодан" в пару десятков килограмм сверху и что ? Энергия взрыва ушла в воздух, вниз минимум. При первых же залпал пехоты прячется там и вся бомбежка практически идет зря.

А как только бомбежка прекращается на "тачанках" несутся обратно на свои позиции :

Harnessed dogs pull a British Army machine gun and ammo, 1914. These weapons could weigh as much as 150 pounds.

Пришлось выкуривать такими способами :

Detonation of Lochnagar mine at the Somme - July 1, 1916
Contemporary picture of Lochnagar Crater

Земля в Гейопе дорогая, на кратер не засыпают, по ходу он у них числится как место массового захоронения солдат времен 1 МВ.

Значит начинаются "подземные войны" и стоит приглядетья к экипировке подземных бойцов :

Tunnelling Companies in the Great War

A mine rescue station in Flanders with a sapper ready for descent and other equipment prepared for use.

Mine rescue team equipped with torches, bellows, short-range breathing gear, Novita oxygen resuscitation kit, Proto apparatus, ropes and a canary in a cage.

И тут становятся понятными некоторые "дгевние рыцарские шлемы" ... они же были заточенны под ДЫХАТЕЛЬНЫЕ ТРУБКИ !!!

Армии сошлись на пистолетный выстрел и зарылись в землю, любое тело над землей тут же прошивалось пулеметами, а значит начинается "народное творчество" :


A pneumatic trench mortar, an indirect fire weapon, being operated by a French soldier in a frontline trench.

ПНЕВМАТИЧЕСКАЯ траншейная пушка !!!

French troops in a trench using a pneumatic mortar, 1916. Pneumatic weapons like these were used throughout the French army before domestic industry could produce the required numbers of standard weapons. Once French industry had hit full war footing pneumatic weapons were generally replaced by mortars such as the ‘Mortier de 58 mm type 2′.

Ферштейн ?  domestic industry не могло дть нужного количества  standard weapons. В 1916 году !!! А чем тогда должны были воевать в 1914-1915 годах ???


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