bskamalov (bskamalov) wrote,

Harvesting opium and its tools ... Не для морд были те маленькие бритвы"

Босоногое детство я провел в колхозе миллионере на китайской границе. А миллионером был потому что выращивал ... мак. В конце Николаевки стоял пост милиции и без пропуска в погранзону в наш колхоз попасть было трудно.

Потому имею кое какие представления о нarvesting opium and its tools и очень меня смущает эта "бритва" :

А потому глянем что там пиндосня на эту тему бормочет    On the Cultural History of Opium – and how poppy came to Afghanistan

An Afghan tool to harvest opium 'latex'.

In 2015, opium poppy was grown in Afghanistan on an estimated area of 183,000 hectares. The annual production was expected to be 3,300 metric tons, down because of a bad harvest from 6,400 metric tons in 2014. But it has not always been this way. Afghanistan became the world’s largest opium producer only in the 1980s and, although, opium is often identified as an ‘eastern drug’, its use actually originally spread from Europe and the eastern Mediterranean to southeast and east Asia.
Afghanistan and its opium both feature in an exhibition curated by Doris Buddenburg, one of the two authors of this dispatch. The exhibition titled “Opium” is on at the Museum of Cultures in the Swiss city of Basel until 24 January 2016. It specifically covers the cultural history of opium and how its use spread from Europe and the eastern Mediterranean to Asia. The exhibit includes harvesting tools and smoking utensils, a statue of a Greek goddess with a poppy head as her symbol, a hall of fame of opium eaters in the colours that the drug users see, an iconic perfume bottle – and, yes, a cube of real raw opium.

Harvesting opium and its tools

Harvesting opium is a labour intensive task, as it requires each poppy head or pod to be incised several times over a few days.
The instruments the labourers use have to be simple, easily replaceable and cheap. The tools for cutting the surface of the poppy pods, to let the white latex containing the morphine seep out over night, consist of a small wooden handle, with strips cut from razor blades inserted and fixed with glue.
The form of these scratchers, or lancets – called nishtar or neshtar in Dari and Pashto – differ according to the regions and provinces where they are used, showing how cultural differentiation occurs even in such simple tools. The depicted scratchers were collected in the 1990s in Kunar, Nangrahar and the southern provinces.
After that, the opium is scraped off the poppy pods with scoops, usually made from metal. The opium resin is then formed into lumps that can be stored over a long time, as it is not perishable.

An Afghan tool to harvest opium 'latex'.

4 жалких сантиметрика !!! Как её держать около морды лица ???  Зато как похожа на соседа из Афгана ...

Реальные опаски такие :

Вот так их держат и они не "плавают" в руке.

Что видим из текста пиндоса про дурь ?

Дурь пошла из района ВОСТОЧНОГО СРЕДИЗЕМНОМОРЬЯ и там совершенно случайно точно такие же "храмы" как и склады дури в Индии.

Opium den, London, 1920

Opium Den

Women in an Opium Den - 1897


Paris, 1931 "Woman in opium den with cat"

Dope girl in New York opium den in the 1900s

Теперь понятно выражение "пьян в ДУПЛЬ". Это от Dope (англ.)

Как видим на дурь подсадили не только Китай в 19 веке, но и Гейопку - Жмеринку в 20 веке , а это требовало индустрии дури. Где она была ? В Вост. Средиземноморье ? А "храмы" и были СКЛАДАМИ дури как в Индии.


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